What is Notification for a larger home extension?

Dec 13, 2023 | News

A complete guide can be found on the planning portal please follow the link Prior approval – Extensions – Planning Portal We have put together a basic guide to the Neighbour Notification scheme.

Householders are able to apply to build larger single-storey rear extensions in certain circumstances. This includes Conservatories and Orangeries as they have the same planning rules as single storey extensions.

Generally, single story rear extensions must not be extended beyond the rear wall of the ‘original house’ (as the property was first built or as it was in 1948) by more than 4m if a detached and more than 3m for any other house. However where the property is not on designated land ie a conservation area, national park or in a site of special scientific interest this limit has been increased,

-Eight meters if a detached house

-Six metres for any other house

Before you start to build the project the relevant local planning authority must be notified of the proposed works by submitting an application. We can submit the application on your behalf with the necessary supporting documents. Be careful as it is not possible to submit applications retrospectively and if you have started a full application will be required, which again we can take care of. There is no application fee to pay for these applications, although the government has indicated they may introduce one in the future. The application process will take upto 42 days which is six weeks. The local authority must issue a decision within the 42 days and if not the development can go ahead.

We will submit the documents on your behalf

-application form

-location map

-block plan

-proposed elevations

The local authority will serve notice on the adjoining owners and occupiers of the properties or land that adjoins your boundary. The neighbours will have 21 days to raise any objections If a neighbour objects the local authority will then take this into account when making a decision as to whether the impact on the amenity of all the adjoining properties is acceptable or not. The local authority will issue a decision and notify you in writing as to whether the application has been approved or by saying that prior approval is not required, you can then start the build.  They may write and say prior approval is required or refused meaning you will have to submit a full application. You can appeal a refusal but we can advise on the way forward.

For the application to be validated by the local authority as an application for a proposed larger home extension the proposed must comply with all the other relevant limitations and conditions that apply to other rear extensions allowed under permitted development (a guide can be found by following the link to the planning portal. Often we find that other than the eaves and ridge height limitations which are measured from outside ground level the common conditions missed are:-

-The materials must match the property

-Already joining to a rear extension, in which case the whole extension existing and proposed needs to comply with permitted development

If you would like us to handle your application we will check whether it can be submitted as this type of application or whether it should be a full householder application. There’s no need for you to arrange a site visit or take endless measurements. You only need to supply us with a few photos and we’ll handle the rest. Once you’ve supplied us the photos we’ll have your application ready to submit to the council within 5 working days. We’ll then keep informed of the decision dates so you can plan ahead with your schedules.

We also understand that you may be unsure whether or not you require planning permission and under which scheme or application process to apply, so you can always contact us on 0800 292 2240 or email info@myconservatorydesign.com for advice.

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